Posted In CategoryGeneric Discussions
  • K
    Kathy 5 years ago

    Is there a way to put an accent mark over a letter in this software?  I am trying to put an acute diacritical mark over two lower case "e's" for someone with a french name.

  • A
    Admin 6 years ago

    Hi Adriana, please accept our apologies for the late reply to your question. To add text you will first need to click on the T icon you can find on the toolbar at the top of the screen and then re-size it and re-position it on the page. To type, double click on the text box and you should see the coursor blinking. To change the font size or style, you can use the toolbar on the right-hand side of the screen.

  • A
    Admin 6 years ago

    Hi Sonia, we would need more info to look into this matter. If you could please let us know what is the product code of the business cards and whether you have used one of the ready made templates or you have created one yourself from scratch.

  • A
    Admin 6 years ago

    Hi Deborah, please accept our apologies for the late reply. For products such as business cards or mailing labels it is possible to sync all cards with the main one you have customized and not do each one individually. For mailing labels, however, this feature is not available due to the various sizes they come in. We would recommend to edit one of the seals then copy and paste it over the others. Please note that small manual adjutments to the positioning may still be needed.

    In regards to the font style and color, please double click on the text box first and highlight the text, and then edit it from the toolbar to the right-hand side of the screen.

  • S
    Sonia 6 years ago

    there is a faint box when I print a page of business cards.  it doesn't appear on the print preview.  how do I remove it?  thank you.

  • D
    Deborah Maguire 6 years ago

    How about some basic instructions? I have never used anything other than Word for this type of project and I have no idea how to use this software. I am trying to make Thank you stickers with the scallop seals and I have 1 made but I can't figure out how to make all the others on the page look like it. Also I can't get the text on the one I already made to change color or to change font. Does that mean that I have to do each seal individually and know exactly what font I want to use and what color? There must be a way to try different fonts and colors without starting over each time.

  • O
    Adriana Wroth 6 years ago

    hello. I had so many templates and lost them all. Trying to create the text inside of a certificate/diploma. I don't want to use the frame or border. How do I do that?

  • A
    Admin 6 years ago

    Hi Jeanne,

    Some reasons for a loading screen that endlessly circles could be the following: 

    - A project with many pages and many elements on each page;
    - A slow internet connection 

    Under these conditions, the downloading of the PDF file will take some time. Just be patient. 
    If the file has not downloaded after maximum 5 minutes, please call, email or chat with us. 
    We need an email address to to be able to check the issue pertaining to a project existing under your account.

    Thank you

  • J
    Jeanne 6 years ago

    when I try to print it keeps loading and dose not stop, I have to force it to leave the page and start over. I can't print or download

  • M
    Admin 6 years ago

    Hello, Elle,
    You cannot transfer templates from the old Iclicknprint to the new one. You can copy and paste text from one screen to the other. You need to upload any images as they do not copy. The new Iclicknprint works with HTML technology which is different from Flash. That is why the old projects cannot be transfered as the two technologies are not compatible. We recommend that you save all your projects from the Iclicknprint Flash in your computer.

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